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A propos de Curewiki.
Née de l'expérience personnelle de notre fondateur JS, qui a bravé le cancer durant son enfance, Curewiki se consacre à transformer la recherche médicale en donnant à chaque patient le pouvoir de participer. Nous croyons en la force de la collaboration entre les différents acteurs et de l'innovation technologique pour améliorer les soins de santé. Et la participation des patients est essentielle pour trouver les meilleurs traitements: Sans patients, pas de traitements.

Jean-Sebastien Gosuin
Entrepreneur à succès, il a combattu le cancer quand il était petit et souhaite aujourd'hui que chacun puisse avoir un traitement. Il dirige l'entreprise depuis sa création.

Edwin Klumper
Ancien médecin confronté à des personnes qui l'appelaient pour trouver un essai, il a créé une société dans la recherche médicale avant de rejoindre Curewiki. Il est en charge des relations commerciales.

Roel Divendael
Il a travaillé pendant 15 ans dans le domaine de la recherche médicale et dédie sa vie à aider les malades à trouver un essai adapté. Il est en charge du support.

Fabienne Bourel
Comme tout le monde, elle a perdu des proches et en a d'autres qui souffrent mais n'ont pas de solution. Elle s'occupe de la communication.
Any questions? See hereafter if we already have an answer for you.
What is a Clinical Trial?The clinical trial is the final step in the development of a drug or treatment. Involving patients, healthy volunteers or both, a clinical trial is one part of a long and careful research process. A clinical trial explores whether a medical strategy, treatment or device is safe and effective for humans.
Why Clinical Trials are Important?Although all new drugs, treatments and devices are rigorously tested in the laboratory they must also go through clinical trials so more can be found out about their potential benefits or risks. Clinical trials provide researchers with the opportunity to potentially find better treatments for others in the future, as well as offering hope for many people
Why take part in clinical trials?- To have access to innovative treatments before they are available and accessible to other patients. - To have access to the care of specialist health professionals and their additional advice. - To receive compensation, financial reimbursement or health services. - To contribute to medical advances and the development of new treatments or therapies. - To help others suffering from health problems. Need more? Read our blog post "5 reasons to take part in a clinical study"
What are the benefits of being in a clinical trial?- You may be given a treatment which isn’t available elsewhere and that is safer or works better than current treatment options. - You could be helping others who may have the same condition in the future by advancing knowledge in that condition/disease - You may increase the total number of therapeutic options available to you - You may feel like you have more choice over your situation and are taking a more active role in your health - You could gain access to newer, more innovative treatments, the possibility of additional care/ attention and more careful monitoring of your condition by your healthcare team
What are the potential risks?- The new treatment may have unknown side effects or other risks, which may or may not be worse than those from existing treatments - The treatment may not work for you, even though it works for others - The treatment may not be as effective as current treatment options - The impact it may have on your lifestyle, such as more frequent doctor visits and more tests - You may not be given the study treatment, as some trials such as randomised clinical trials are designed in a way where you may not have a choice about which treatment you are given. If the trial is blinded, you (and maybe your doctor) will not be told which treatment you are getting
Who can participate in a clinical trial?Both as a healthy volunteer or as a patient you can apply to participate in a clinical trial. Applying is not in itself a guarantee that you will be included in the clinical trial because the selection depends on your profile.
What diseases are covered by Curewiki?Our Curewiki platform includes an extensive database of over 3,000 diseases, both common and rare. Our mission is to provide opportunities for as many users as possible to take part in clinical trials.
Do I get paid?Healthy volunteers can be paid. Patients usually receive the treatment for free and more intensive follow-up by medical staff. They are not allowed to be paid by law, but they may be reimbursed for travel and other expenses related to the trial.
Are there any clinical trials near me?Yes, thousands of clinical trials take place every year in your country. Register now
What to expect if you are enrolled in a clinical trial?If you take part in a clinical trial you will be monitored regularly during and after the trial. You may find your clinical trial involves you having a number of tests, appointments and some things which you may need to do at home. The tests that you will need to have will depend on the disease or condition that you have, and the trial you have entered.
What clinical trials are we looking for?We only list clinical trials validated by national and international drug agencies. Medical trials listed by national and international medical agencies typically adhere to rigorous ethical guidelines and regulatory standards. Participating in these trials ensures that you are involved in studies that prioritise participant safety, informed consent, and ethical conduct.
If I participate in a clinical trial, what are my rights?As a participant, you have the right : - to participate voluntarily, without pressure or repercussions if you elect not participate - to leave the trial at any time; - free treatment and, usually, free examinations as part of the clinical trial; - possible early access to new medicines; - a possible indemnity assessed by the ethics committees, to compensate for any costs incurred and time spent on medical research. The compensation is not determined according to the potential risk involved; - to receive all the information necessary to give your consent before any procedure; - to clear and understandable answers to your questions; - to be informed immediately, even after the start of the trial, if new data is collected that could influence your decision to participate; - safe care that respects your beliefs; - confidential and anonymous treatment of your data; - insurance coverage from the trial sponsor. (Source: afmps - agence fédérale des médicaments et des produits de santé)
If I participate in a clinical trial, what are my duties?As a participant, you agree to : - to provide truthful and complete information about your health and medical history and any treatment you have taken - to comply with the clinical trial protocol and to cooperate with the medical staff; - undergo additional visits and assessments, which may be intensive. (Source: afmps - agence fédérale des médicaments et des produits de santé)
What are the duties of the organisers of a clinical trial?The medical team of the research centre plays a very important role in supporting, monitoring and informing the participants. This role does not end when the trial is over. The investigating doctor must explain the different aspects of the trial in the most comprehensible and complete way possible. As a potential participant, you can decide to participate with all the information available. This decision is recorded in a document that you must sign as a participant in a clinical trial. This informed consent describes the course of the trial in an understandable way, as well as the course you will follow as a participant. This document also describes your rights and duties as a participant. The organiser of a clinical trial must also take out "no fault" insurance. This means that you, as a participant, are insured, even if the doctor is not at fault. (Source: afmps - agence fédérale des médicaments et des produits de santé)
Why my data are needed to find clinical trials?By sharing your medical data with Curewiki, you enable us to target the clinical trials best suited to your situation. To do this, we align your needs with the specific criteria of the studies. Our commitment: to secure your information with advanced encryption and guarantee its confidentiality. We will never share your data without your prior consent.